Working out during pregnancy

Pregnancy is certainly a time to modify your lifestyle to protect your health and that of your baby, but that doesn't mean kicking back in the recliner eating bon bons for nine months. Unless your doctor has recommended that you abstain from physical activity for medical reasons, doing light to moderate exercise while pregnant affords you numerous health benefits.
Exercise during pregnancy can:
Help a mom-to-be maintain a healthy pregnancy weight
Promote healthy postpartum weight loss and fitness
Reduce the risk of gestational diabetes
Decrease the risk of pre-term birth
Enhance mood and relieve stress
Give moms-to-be more energy
Help strengthen pelvic muscles
Prepare pregnant women for the rigors of childbirth
Talk with your doctor about the best workout plan for you. Your body may change during pregnancy, but the more fit you are before, during and after you give birth, the healthier you and your baby will be.

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