There are some factors to consider when setting up goals , when you know these factors, its easier to setup realistic goals. This can be categorized into physical conditions and variables.

                                        PHYISICAL CONDITIONS
  1. AGE- age difference counts, because the older one gets,the slower the metabolism, though its never too late to start living a fit and healthy life, but the earlier the better.
  2. GENDER - Men and women are far from equal when it comes to physical fitness,as exercise program differs, so is the body fat. Men should not drop below 3% or more than 20% fat,while women should not drop below 11% or more than 30% fat, with different levels of strenght so must the fitness goals.
  3. BODY TYPE - This can affect the kind of workout activity one can engage in.
  4. Ectomorphs characterized by delicate build and low fat level, high metabolism and a small amount of muscle mass, and muscle size are suited endurance athletics but might find it difficult to gain weight and muscle.
  5. Mesomorphs medium to large build, low to medium body fat,a medium to high metabolism and large amount of muscle mass and size, can aim for power athletics and tend to have no trouble gaining and losing weight.
  6. Endomorphs large build,has a high percentage of body fat and under developed muscles that can be developed with relative ease. Though a slow metabolism makes losing weight difficult.

  7.                                      YOUR  VARIABLES
  8. TIME - the amount of time available to achieve a goal is very important,this is what is have to keep in mind before you start.         "procrastination is a disease"
  9. EFFORT - The goals you aim to accomplish do bear a direct relation to the amount of effort you put in. "no pain no gain"
  10. COMMITMENT- The ability to create time out of a tight schedule is all the commitment you need, consistency too also counts.

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