basics of fitness

    Being fit is to  be appropriately prepared and adequately  content with nature of daily activity.
       three healthy approach to fitness;
  1. Cardiovascular fitness.
  2. Musculoskeletal capability.
  3. Body composition analysis.

  4. Your fitness tragedies can be personalized into needs, desires and capabilities. Fitness can be defined based on health as the ability to perform daily activities with vigor

  5. CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS: this particular component is the ability of the heart and circulatory system to get oxygenated blood to the muscles so that the body can produce energy. It is also known  as cardiovascular endurance, aerobics fitness.
  6. Good cardiovascular fitness can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis   and heart disease,diabetes,certain types of cancer and other health related illness.

  7. MUSCULOSKELETAL FITNESS: this is the combination of muscle,strength and endurance with flexibility. Fitness in this area has been estimated to prevent 80% of backaches. This also lessen bone density that occurs with age,reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

  8. BODY COMPOSITION: This is the composition of the body weight leading from muscle tissue to fat tissue, this leads to control of obesity leading to lower risk of hypertension and respiratory problems. Being too lean is also a problem and likelihood of fracture.

  9. 25% of Nigerians are obese.
  10. 75% don’t engage in exercises at all.
  11. Regular physical activities (using 150 calories daily,or 1000 calories weekly) can reduce the risk of heart disease,diabetes,correlated cancer, breast cancer,high blood pressure,depression and anxiety.
  12. A minimum of 30mins high intensity workouts,3days weekly can go a long way stabilizing your fitness well being.

  13.             Any thing is better than nothing


  1. Flexibility tests; this tests examine the degree to which you can stretch various muscle groups
  2. Stretch tests; this can be a static test that requires pushing and pulling against an immovable figure or dynamic-  to manipulate a moveable weight in various ways.
  3. Endurance tests; looks at the time at which you perform some varieties of exercises.

  4.                                       fat distribution

  5. Men tend to amass more fat around the stomach or given their apple like shape. While women tend to build more fat around the hips and buttocks given their pear shape.
  6. Some women tend to be apple shaped especially after menopause and that can pose a great health risk and obesity.

Both body muscle tissues differs, the more the muscles in the body,the more the BMI.

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