Fat is an inactive tissue,while muscle is a more metabolically active tissue that burns more calories. Exercise makes you build more muscle mass,so you can burn more calories daily, even at rest, the body calories.
    Studies have shown that resistance or weight training for a few months can rapidly increase your resting metabolic rate,and a small boost of metabolic rate can rapidly increase the rate at which calories are burned during activities.
    After burn- this is the metabolic rate that stays elevated for as long as several hours after moderate or vigorous exercise.
    Note: afterburn following aerobic exercise does not last as long as afterburn following resistance training.
                                        FOOD GUILDLINES
  1. Eat varieties of food.
  2. Balance the food you eat with several physical activities to maintain or improve your weight.
  3. Choose diets rich in grain products, vegetable and fruits.
  4. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
  5. Choose a diet moderate in sugar.
  6. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
  7. Minimize alcoholic intake.

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